Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Are You Interested In Learning About How To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle? Then You Should Try The Ken Leff Bar Tutor

Are You Interested In Learning About How To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle? Then You Should Try The Ken Leff Bar TutorThe Ken Leff Bar Tutor is a step by step exercise program for the feet and legs, using common exercises and stretches that are safe and effective. It is the first bar of a program known as the Bar for Health & Fitness. Each exercise program will be delivered in instructional videos that make it easy to follow.The Bar Tutor is made with the intention of getting the ball rolling for people interested in beginning a fitness routine. As with any other workout plan, this one is also geared towards burning fat and building muscle. You should expect to lose inches in a week, but if you are looking to get a much more toned, well-toned body, then this is a great place to start.Using the Ken Leff Bar Tutor, you will learn how to use your weight and balance to work out each body part. The videos show you the right way to work out, and will also help you when you get to the gym, whe re you will learn how to properly work out. With this program, you will learn how to use your upper and lower body effectively and will lose fat, tone up, and improve your athletic performance.As one of the ways to improve your total fitness, you will see that the Bar for Health & Fitness combines three programs into one - weight loss, strengthening, and complete body fitness. The program has a main focus on losing weight, but will also strengthen your entire body through the use of the Bar Exercise Equipment. In addition, the program includes additional core exercises for a full and balanced workout that targets all parts of the body.The Bar Tutor is a great alternative to purchasing a treadmill, elliptical, or machine for training. In addition, it will give you a great workout at home. One of the nice things about the Bar Training System is that it is very affordable and relatively easy to use. This means that anyone can easily improve their fitness levels without spending a lot o f money.The Bar Tutor program includes three key components that will get you started. Each of these includes information about your basic fitness requirements, as well as step-by-step instructions to exercise every major muscle group, every day. These video lessons, as well as instructional guides on equipment and nutrition will keep you on track, while you achieve your goals.When you feel ready to begin, you can switch into a training plan that offer intensive workouts designed to increase your strength and endurance, as well as developing your skills for better movement and balance. You can also develop a rigorous workout routine that combines aerobic and resistance training for total fitness. While you are doing this, you will learn to properly align your body, which will make your workouts more effective and allow you to get maximum results.The Bar Tutor is aimed at anyone who wants to learn about working out but doesn't want to spend a lot of money on expensive equipment or ot her expensive products. If you have little experience working out, or if you do not want to invest in equipment, then this is a great option for you. With the program, you will learn about nutrition, as well as a diet and fitness program that you can continue to use even after you have completed the bar training. This makes the Bar for Health & Fitness an excellent option for anyone who is interested in losing weight, strengthening their body, and increasing their physical stamina.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Remember, if you suffer from depression, it does not have to rule your life. There are some easy ways to help your body and mind function normally and you can even work with an astrologer to help you with this. Causes of Depression

Remember, if you suffer from depression, it does not have to rule your life. There are some easy ways to help your body and mind function normally and you can even work with an astrologer to help you with this. Causes of DepressionThere are some factors which can be used to help the process of treating and/or preventing depression. So let's look at a few of these factors.- A proper diet. This sounds obvious, but we often don't give the proper care to our diet that we should. If you are suffering from depression, then you should ensure that you are eating the right kinds of foods and not allowing anything that may give you a bad case of ill health.- Stress management. The best way to deal with stress is to manage it. This is important for preventing depression and can prevent many other health problems as well.- Meditation. If you suffer from depression, then you need to learn how to get into a meditative state and to focus on what you are doing. Meditating can really help in preventi ng depression.- Exercise. If you have been slacking off on your exercise routine, then it is important that you keep it up.- Relaxation. All of these factors will help you to deal with the situation of being depressed.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Best College Essay Tutor

Best College Essay TutorGetting a good online essay tutor can help you in your college essay preparation. However, there are a few things that you need to take into consideration before hiring any of these services.First and foremost, you have to be sure that the online essay tutor that you hire is genuine. Since it will take much time for them to come and give you a valuable insight, you have to ensure that they are indeed qualified. If you use the same service for several students, you may get some list of fake or unqualified tutors. If you pay a small fee upfront, you may also get frauds or scammers online.As a student, you should be able to identify the right online essay tutor. Make sure that the tutor gives you free tutorials that will help you a lot and increase your understanding of the subject. Remember that you will be paying for your essay and not getting it.Another good way of checking out the credentials of the tutor is by using Internet search engines like Google and Ya hoo. You can also take some samples of their work by checking out their sites. If you find out that the tutor is fake, you can politely inform the editor of the college or university that you intend to avoid their services.One way to deal with cheating is to hire an online essay tutor with a verified mailing address. Make sure that the person does not send you a questionnaire by email as this can be a scam. A legit tutor will send you e-mails from your inbox, if you ask for it.It is easy to find a free online essay tutor, especially if you look around. To find one, first check out several service providers on the internet and then choose one that best fits your needs.Be careful about the online essay tutor that you hire. With a little bit of research and practice, you can get yourself the best college essay tutoring service you want.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Best Online Translators for French English Translation

The Best Online Translators for French English Translation Where Can You Turn for French English Translation Online? ChaptersFrench English DictionariesGoogle Translate, Microsoft Translator and BabylonTranslated.net; Translate by HumansEngaging a Freelance TranslatorYou have been taking French lessons for a while now, and your vocabulary is fairly decent: you can hold a conversation in French. (If you haven't yet started lessons, get to it now by searching, for example, 'french course london'!)At least, you speak French well in your classes!Your French teacher has recently suggested that you start branching away from textbooks; that you should start listening to French news online, and reading French texts.You, the eager francophone, agree.The trouble is that you are not fluent in French; your vocabulary has substantial holes in it and not every word or idea can translate from French crystal clear into English.Perhaps you only need to make sense of one French word here or there. Maybe the meaning of an expression escapes you.And this is just one example of how anyone might need a French translator , or a French to English translation.Where can you turn for clarity, so that reading French outside of the classroom becomes practical; a learning exercise?An Internet search reveals untold numbers of French English translators, some free and some for a fee. Some automated and some done by linguists whose native language is French. The selection is mind-boggling!Superprof to the rescue! We've investigated all manner of translator software, as well as sites that do human translations.May we put forth a few selections? le or la.Our dear Collins dictionary does not have such a feature, but you can glean the gender of any noun by the article used in the sample sentences, which are included on the page.Reverso French English dictionary, powered by Collins, offers an expanded selection of functions.Besides definitions, it offers synonyms, conjugation of verbs, translation of idioms, business and medical phrases; it even has a page entirely dedicated to literature!You might say that this F rench to English translator is more of an encyclopedia of French language and culture.The last online dictionary we feature here, although there are tons more available, is called French Linguistics.As it originates in the UK, it is uniquely targeted to British students who are learning French. Their home page gives links to essential French vocab for GCSE, and a free French listening quiz.We found this dictionary a bit of a mess.While it does indicate which gender your looked-up word is, it also throws at you a barrage of remotely related words for you to consider learning the meaning of.There are no synonyms or sample sentences on these pages, nor does it offer any verb conjugation or word etymology. And it only translates words â€" not expressions.The bewildered student may turn to other French translators if s/he needs to know what a phrase means...Translation by Google, Bing or Babylon sometimes yields questionable results! Source: Pixabay Credit: 422737Google Translate, Micros oft Translator and BabylonWho hasn't made use of these free online multilingual translators?They are convenient and easy: simply copy and paste the text in question into the first field, select the language â€" in this instance, French, and presto! Your text is converted into your mother tongue.Nobody ever said how well.We had a bit of fun with this exercise. We typed a few French phrases â€" some of them slang phrases into each of these translators; what came out was... sometimes comical!We then proceeded to enter text in different languages, Chinese and Spanish, to name two: in each case, the same result.Online translators cannot distinguish context clues, which means that they are ineffective in translating homonyms, and they completely mangle the substance of any idiom you enter.To be perfectly fair, each of these utilities does a good job of translating English words; they only lack a bit when it comes to meaning.And woe to the French text that does not have the accent properly placed!For example: ou is a conjunction that means or.où is an adverb, a preposition or a relative pronoun, depending on the sentence, and each word type has several uses.None of these web based translators can make the distinction between these two words based solely on context.A more evolved online translator might.The consensus of these popular, one click translator utilities: if you need something informal translated on the fly, by all means.If you are preparing a thesis for your French A Levels, it would be best to steer clear of them, unless you are proficient enough in French to polish their oversights.One standout to the online translator is SDL Translator. Although it did just a bit worse in their instant text translation than the others, this page offers a link to French translation services by bilingual human translators.You can get a free quote for the cost of your document or website translation, with a price slightly higher for business translations, as opposed to tr anslating personal documents.Let us talk about other online translation sites, now!If you've just discovered your ancestry lies in Switzerland, you may need to hire a translator to negotiate vital documents Source: Pixabay Credit: GeraltClick here for an article on the best French podcasts for French learners.Translated.net; Translate by HumansFor an English to French translation, or a French translation into English that must be spot on, nothing but a human translation will do.As demonstrated so far, machine translation can fall a bit short on accuracy, especially when interpreting nuance and context, or compensating for forgotten diacritic marks and incorrect grammar.Barring the fact that mistakes can happen, unless your professional translator is inept, that problem would not exist if you engaged the services of a human translator to translate English.Translated.net offers three levels of service: economy, professional and premium, with the second one touted as the best value for the money.They count several reputable companies as their customers, having translated more than 40 thousand documents per year since their inception, 15 years ago.Their professional translation package guarantees an overnight return.You can submit your French website for translation to English; or an app you hope to launch in French speaking countries that needs translation English to French.Beware! Their economy package uses translation software only lightly reviewed by a human translator, which would do nothing for your application!If you need a technical translation, or need an English French translation to publish an article in a French medical journal, for instance, it would be best to select their professional or premium service.We like that their prices for French to English translations are published; it can be a bit frustrating to solicit quotes and wait for a response.Besides, a price quote is not necessarily a firm guarantee of what you will pay for translation service! Day Translations is a service that will return a quote to you within 10 minutes.    They offer language translation across the globe, as well as phone and in-person interpreting.  That service might be particularly useful for immigrants who need an English translator for their visa application process.Besides document translation and interpreting, they offer a host of services, including website translation, medical translations and language translation for legal documents.Should you have sensitive documents such as legal or medical records, you might not want just anyone to handle them, or even see them.This company is an accredited member of the Association of Translator Companies, and each of their linguists has been certified as a translator.Looking for such credentials is always a good idea when dealing with personal affairs.And then, there is always the question of secure transmission of documents submitted for language translation.Day Translations makes it easy to render your perhaps sensitive papers into their capable hands: through their secure server, by fax, or by courier.If your website is full of text to translate from English to French, obviously you would simply give them your web address!Naturally, not every translation  demands top security, but keeping safe in this day and age has taken on a whole new dimension, hasn't it?So has the business of translating...You may engage a freelancer specialized in French translation for your documents or website Source: Pixabay Credit: PexelsEngaging a Freelance TranslatorMass marketing is indeed a sign of our times. You can hardly access a webpage without being bombarded by ads anymore!What if you have a single translation job; maybe a family document or some relevant passage in French that you need to understand better?Contacting a translation company online virtually guarantees you an assortment of promotional messages and possibly discounts on your next translation.You can spare yourself this ongoing i ntrusion by engaging a freelancer, who would translate your document with no further fuss or bother.It doesn't take a lot of searching to find such collectives.Upwork may yield desirable results, especially since their platform encourages freelancers to build a profile that would include any translation certifications they may have, as well as membership in any professional organisation.Perhaps the best guarantee of a qualified translator is their exam results.This freelancing platform has a battery of tests any freelancer may subject themselves to in order to prove their ability.You may find the need for an Arabic translation, a Japanese translation or even a Spanish translation in the future, in which case a freelancer with those skills would be happy to meet your deadline!If you can't yet communicate in written French, don't rely on a dictionary to translate your words and phrases!For any translation French to English that you might need, you have a variety of options:a French di ctionaryany free online translation toola French translation servicefreelance speakers of other languagesUntil you have mastered the French language and can translate French into English on your own, rest assured there are plenty of instant translation options available to you.Follow this link for info on French learning apps.

History Courses In Birmingham

History Courses In Birmingham Finding History Courses In Birmingham ChaptersWhy Study History?Benefits Of Studying In BirminghamHistory Courses In BirminghamAre you interested in studying History as an undergraduate at university? or are you an adult learner looking to get back into the subject? Maybe you're an A Level student looking to get some extra revision classes in before your exams. Whatever your relationship to history, you're going to find the course that suits you here.As you may have guessed, in this article we are looking at the courses on offer here in the wonderful city of Birmingham. However, you may wish to consider courses in the following places too:LondonLeedsManchesterGlasgowWhile historical events are factual, not all History courses are the same and cover the exact same content. Photo on Foter.comBirmingham universities offer first class History degrees, as well as excellent study programmes, and historical training. But the nice thing about Birmingham is that it does all these things whilst at the same time offering a strong c ultural scene, its own special history, and a lot of wonderful things to do and see.So, let's see what the city has to offer.

How To Master Portuguese Pronunciation

How To Master Portuguese Pronunciation Looking For Tips On How To Speak Portuguese? ChaptersLearn The Portuguese Language Basics â€" Starting With The AlphabetImproving Your Portuguese PronunciationLooking For More Tips When Learning Portuguese?Portuguese is a wonderful foreign language to learn, for so many reasons. For example, Portuguese is:One of the most widely-spoken languages across the world, with over 200 million native speakers in countries including Portugal and Brazil;One of the romance languages, along with Spanish, French, Italian, and Romanian. This means learning Portuguese can make it easier to learn another romance language;A brilliant language to have on your CV if you want to stand out from the crowd, as Portuguese is not widely taught in the UK compared to other languages such as Spanish.If you have decided to take up Portuguese, then there’s plenty to learn on your way to fluency. However, what’s worth realising from the outset is that every language comes with its own set of challenges that non-native speakers may struggle with.For an exam ple, take German. For an English speaker, some aspects of German are relatively straightforward â€" for instance, some words are very similar (die Hand / the hand). However, German has four different cases â€" the nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive â€" which English speakers often struggle to master.Although English speakers will not find the exact same difficulties when learning Portuguese, there are some unique challenges to be aware of. One of the main issues English speakers face when learning Portuguese is conquering Portuguese pronunciation.With that in mind, this article provides some tips when it comes to getting a hold of Portuguese grammar and pronunciation so that you can improve your Portuguese speaking skills.Before you can learn to speak Portuguese you should learn the Portuguese alphabet. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, Pexels, Pixabay)It helps you spell and write down common words.Portuguese has 26 letters in its alphabet in total and those 26 letters are the same as in English. Specifically, Portuguese comprise 23 letters that historically were part of the language, while 3 additional letters â€" K, W, and Y â€" were introduced into the official Portuguese alphabet in 2009.While it might be reassuring to know that you don’t have to learn any new letters to learn the Portuguese alphabet, it’s vitally important that you learn how each letter, and in fact combinations of letters, are pronounced in Portuguese.This is because Portuguese isn’t a phonetic language. A phonetic language is one where you know how to say a word just by reading how it is spelt. English, like Portuguese, isn’t phonetic.To give that statement some context, take the following examples of the difficulties of English pronunciation:Words spelt similarly - such as tough / through / though â€" are all pronounced in very different ways; andEven native speakers differ in how they pronounce certain words â€" for example, how would you say the word scone?Although Portuguese pronunciation doesn’t have the exact same issues that are present in the English language, many non-native Portuguese speakers do struggle with how to pronounce certain Portuguese words.As a result, some tips are provided below for how to improve your understanding and knowledge of the nuances of Portuguese pronunciation.You can improve your Portuguese pronunciation by speaking Portuguese regularly with native speakers. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, Alanyadk, Pixabay)Improving Your Portuguese PronunciationAs mentioned above, it’s important to identify early on how each letter in the Portuguese alphabet sounds and to also try to get a handle on how common combinations of letters are pronounced.Some common letter combinations include:CH;LH; andRR.However, while learning how these letters are pronounced is a very important first step to take when learning Portuguese, it will only take you so far. This is because one of the best ways to improve your overall Portuguese speaking skills, an d your pronunciation, as a result, is to put what you’ve learnt into regular practice.Converse As Much As You Can With Native Portuguese SpeakersThe best way to improve your Portuguese pronunciation is to understand how native speakers speak Portuguese.Whether you’re just listening to Portuguese through mediums such as films, radio, and TV, or you’re actively speaking with Portuguese native speakers, the more you hear in Portuguese the more you’ll come to recognise how certain words are pronounced, which should, in turn, improve both your Portuguese listening and speaking skills.When listening to Portuguese, it’s equally important to consider the type of Portuguese that you’re listening to. For instance, if you’d like to learn Brazilian Portuguese, then you’d be better off trying to speak with a native Brazilian Portuguese speaker than someone who has lived in Portugal their entire life.This is because Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese do have some differences when it comes to things such as how certain words are spelt and pronounced, so it’s best to learn about those differences early on as you progress through your proficiency in the language.Practice Using Common Words and PhrasesAnother way to improve your Portuguese pronunciation is to get on top of how Portuguese speakers say common words, expressions, and phrases.While non-native Portuguese speakers will likely be easily forgiven for saying a particularly obscure word incorrectly, learning how to say the most common or frequently used Portuguese words correctly can make life much easier for you when it comes to making yourself understood in Portuguese.For instance, you could try to ensure that you’re comfortable pronouncing the following common phrases:Olá (oh-lah) â€" hello;Bom dia (bom dee-ah) â€" good morning;Obrigado/ Obrigada (ob-ree-gah-doh / ob-ree-gah-dah) â€" you’re welcome; andDe nada (de na-dah) â€" thank you.Once you’ve got the handle on how to pronounce the most c ommon sentences in Portuguese, you can then move on to mastering how to say more complex or longer words.Get A DictionaryDictionaries are a language learner’s best friend. They come in all kinds of sizes, from compact to absolutely huge, and give you the ability to translate unknown Portuguese words back into English, or to find the Portuguese equivalent of an English word.What’s more, good dictionaries usually contain some pointers when it comes to how to pronounce words in Portuguese, such as outlining the pronunciation next to the word in question. This can be a real help if you want to quickly find out how a certain word should be pronounced.Good dictionaries often outline how to pronounce Portuguese words, which can improve your Portuguese pronunciation. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, stevepb, Pixabay)Looking For More Tips When Learning Portuguese?Portuguese isn’t known as being an easy language to learn and one of the many issues that non-native Portuguese speakers face when le arning the language is how to get to grips with the language’s pronunciation. This is because Portuguese words aren't pronounced the same way they are written.As a result, to pronounce a word correctly in Portuguese for a non-native speaker you usually need to have a combination of knowing how letters and combinations of letters should sound and also recognising and remembering how native speakers pronounce certain words.Provided you regularly practice your Portuguese speaking skills, you should find that your Portuguese pronunciation improves. If you’re lucky enough to have a friend who’s a native Portuguese speaker, ask them to let you know when you’re saying a word incorrectly, as this may help you learn how to improve your pronunciation as well.Don't feel disheartened either if you do find yourself making a multitude of  mistakes when it comes to pronouncing words in Portuguese. Speaking any foreign language is difficult, and learning how to pronounce words in Portuguese is not a skill that is likely to come to you automatically. This is why regular practice is important, as is the belief that if you keep practising then your level of Portuguese should improve.If you don’t currently have a Portuguese speaking partner, but would still like to improve your Portuguese speaking skills, then you could look into hiring a Portuguese tutor from Superprof.Having a Portuguese tutor should give you the opportunity to practice speaking in Portuguese on a regular basis, while also giving you the chance to improve your overall proficiency in Portuguese through other exercises that aim to develop your Portuguese reading, writing, and listening skills.You may also find that having a tutor gives you sufficient motivation to continue learning Portuguese, and may also inspire you to keep learning and try to improve your spoken Portuguese even more.Enter your postcode to find Portuguese tutors located nearby or equally to find tutors that are happy to provide Portug uese lessons remotely. What’s more, Superprof also has a range of Portuguese tutors, so whether you’re a beginner and would like to improve your knowledge of Portuguese, or you’re an intermediate or advanced learner who wants to improve their Brazilian Portuguese speaking skills, there should be a tutor out there for you.

How to Give and Receive Critical Feedback - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Give and Receive Critical Feedback - Introvert Whisperer How to Give and Receive Critical Feedback We are entering into a phase in our society where every action demands some form of feedback. If you go to a restaurant, then youre encouraged to share your Yelp reviews. If you buy something from Amazon, then youre asked to rate that product. Even a post on Facebook allows for an instant Like or corresponding emoji response. How many Likes do you give out in a day? How sad do you feel when you dont get as many Likes in return? But even outside the ever-expanding cyber walls of social media, critical feedback is a vital aspect of the workplace and academia. We all need to know how were doing, and we’re often called upon the share our critiques of someone elses performance. What often gets lost in that sea of Likes are the responsible ways to give and receive critical feedback. Here are some helpful reminders to improve your critiquing skills. When Giving Feedback: Ask the Recipient to Rate Themselves Before delivering your honest assessment on something, ask the recipient of that review how they would rate themselves. This can open the door for a positive exchange, especially if that person recognizes they could have done a better job right from the start. It might also support your criticism if you are merely building upon something they already see as a problem area to work on. Find the Good A tenet of professional review writing is that you should try to find something positive to say about the piece, even if it’s a small something. When presenting a critique to a specific person, it would help to follow your criticism with praise. This doesnt mean you have to make things up, but you should try to find some words of encouragement to layer in with the corrections. This will help promote a sense of cooperation between you and that person. You dont ever want to send anyone away completely demoralized. That’s not good for the workplace or the classroom. Base Your Critiques on Actionable Substance A critique should serve as the foundation for improvement. If someone follows your sage advice, then it should make whatever theyre working on better. It will help if the critique is based on actionable substance, as opposed to vague sentiments. You merely have to watch the Judges Table critiques during any episode of Top Chef. Those judges dont just say, “I didnt like the chicken.” Instead, they say, “The chicken lacked seasoning or was undercooked.” The next time that chef prepares a chicken, you can bet theyll be busting out the salt and meat thermometer. Also notice how that statement focuses on the chicken, not the cook. Spin It Back to Yourself We all make mistakes. Although it could help the person youre sharing feedback with to hear that, it might be stronger if you can relate to them by sharing some of the mistakes youve made in the same area. This will make what you have to say more relevant and wont alienate that persons feelings about their own shortcomings. When offering advice, it’s also helpful to use statements like “I would” rather than “you should.” When Receiving Feedback Take It All In Unless prompted, you dont really need to defend your actions. It is clear something went amiss, at least as far as the perspective of your critic is concerned. You can only understand where they are coming from if you take it all in. If youre formulating a response in your head, then you might miss half of what theyre saying. Active listening is a skill that can change all your relationships for the better. Focus On the Benefits Writers are constantly being critiqued by their peers, editors and even family members who they share their work with. When several people point out the same failings on a particular project, then it would appear that there’s something worth looking into. If the reworking of the project makes it better, then the feedback was really helpful. Stay focused on the goal of making improvements, and youll soon forget all about the negativity of a critique. Ask for Clarity After reading this post, youre going to be a brilliant critical feedback giver and receiver. However, not everyone will have the benefit of this sage advice. You might need to ask for clarity to better understand the critique coming your way. Go back to the Top Chef example. If someone merely says, I didnt like it, then ask them to dig deeper and get specific. Two things might happen. They could land on a specific point to help with those improvements, or they could discover that their criticism lacks merit. Yes, that can actually happen, and it’s something else to take in. It’s also helpful to ask an open-ended question for direction, like “What can I do to improve?” Or “How would you have handled this situation?” Finally, you want to thank the person for providing feedback. However painful it might have been to hear it, they still took time out of their day to give the review. That time has value, and they should be thanked for sharing it. Guest Author: Sarah Landrum Guest Author Bio: Sarah Landrum is a business and career writer with a background in Marketing and Economics. Her blog, Punched Clocks, helps professionals find happiness and success in life and at work. Be sure to subscribe to her newsletter and follow her on social media for more great tips! Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.